Anders Skonhoft
Grouse hunting. The Snasa mountains |
Teaching areas: Microeconomics, mathematics,
growth theory, natural resource economics Research: Natural resource economics,
bioeconomic modeling Recent publications: -Rente og avkastning i fisket. Samfunnsøkonomen 3 2021 -Managing a natural asset
that is both a value and a nuisance: Competition vs. cooperation for the
Barents Sea Red
King Crab (together with Melina Kourantidou). Marine Resource Economics
2021 -Optimal harvest in the presence of predation: An age-structured modelling approach (together with Veronika Friberg). Journal of Environmental Management 2021 -Lønnsomhet og rente i oppdrettsnæringen. Samfunnsøkonomen 1/2020 -Wildlife conflicts: Wolf
vs. moose (together with Jan Tore Solstad). European Review of
Agricultural Economics 2020, 47, 1776 - 1802 -Middlemen: Good for resources and fishermen?
(together with Thuy Pham and Ola Flåten). Environment and
Development Economics 2019 -Kraftkabler, samfunnsnytten, miljøet
og industrien. Samfunnsøkonomen
1/2019. -Livestock and
carnivores. Economic and ecological interactions (together with Anne B.
Johannesen and Jon Olaf Olaussen). Environmental and Resource Economics
2019 -Does economic growth eat up environmental
improvements? Electricity production and fossil fuel emission in OECD
countries 1980 – 2014 (together with Jan M. Dyrstad, Magnus Christensen
and Eirik. T. Ødegaard). Energy Policy 2019 -Fornybar energy og ødelagt natur.
Vindkraftutbygging i Norge. (Renewable energy and the destruction of
mother nature. Wind-power development in Norway) Samfunnsøkonomen 6 2018 -New insights from the canonical fisheries model.
Optimal management when the stocks are low (together with Eric Nævdal). Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management 92 (2018), 125 -133 -Maximum yield fishing and
optimal fleet composition. A stage structured model analysis with an example
from the Norwegian north-east artic cod fishery (together with Irmelin
Helgesen and Arne Eide). Ecological
Economics 153 (2018), 204 - 217 -Conflict and cooperation in an age
structured fishery (together with Asle Gauteplass). Fisheries Research 203
(2018), 35 - 45 -On the tragedy of the commons: When predation and
livestock loss may improve the economic lot of herders (together with
Anne B. Johannesen and Jon Olaf Olaussen). Ambio 2017 -The silence of the
lambs: Payment for carnivore conservation and livestock farming under
strategic behaviour. Environmental and Resource
Economics 67
(2017), 905 - 923 -Maximum
sustainable yield (MSY) harvesting in an age-structured fishery population
model (together with Peichen Gong). Natural Resource Modeling 29, (2016),
610 - 632 -Sheep
grazing in the North Atlantic region: A long term perspective on
environmental sustainability (together with L. Ross and others). Ambio 2016 -Conservation versus harvest of
wild Atlantic salmon. The cost of sea lice induced mortality (together with
Jon Olaf Olaussen and Yajie Liu). Fisheries Research 168 (2015), 63 - 71
exploitation of a renewable resource with capital limitations: Nordic sheep
farming with and without grazing externalities (together with Asle Gauteplass). European Review of Agricultural Economics 42 (2015), 25 - 50 -Naturressursens Økonomi (The Economics
of Natural Resources). Book edited together with Ola Flåten, Gyldendal Akademisk 2014 - The Norwegian subsidy
policy for electric cars… (together with Bjart Holtsmark). Environmental Science and Policy 42
(2014), 160 - 168 -Wild salmon fishing. Fishing the old of
young? (together with Peichen Gong). Resource and Energy Economics 36,
2014, 417 - 435 -Fishy fish?
The impacts of escaped farmed fish (together with Yajie Liu and Jon Olaf Olaussen). Aquaculture
Economics & Management 18 (2014), 273 - 302 -The dynamics of an animal
– vegetation system: Sheep farming (together with Jose-Maria Da Rocha). Natural Resource Modeling 27, 2014, 80
- 103 -Livestock management at
northern latitudes. Potential effects of climate change in sheep farming
(together with Anne. B. Johannesen and Anders Nielsen). Ecological Economics 93,
2013, 239-248 -The
cost and benefit of carnivores (in Norwegian: Nytte
og kostnader av rovdyr). Samfunnsøkonomen
127 (4), 2013, 55-63 -Incentives for optimal
management of age-structured fish populations (together with Martin Quaas
and others). Resource and Energy
Economics 35, 2013, 113-134 -Balancing cost and income in red deer
management – a case study from Norway (together with Vebjørn
Veiberg and others). Journal of Environmental management 115, 2013, 179-188 -Hunting and exploitation of
terrestrial animal species. Chapter in J. Shogren
(ed.): Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and
Environmental Economics. Elsevier 2013 -On the management of
interconnected wildlife populations (together with Wenting Chen). Natural Resource Modeling 26, 2013,
1-25 -An ecological – economic model on
the effects of interactions between escaped and wild salmon (together
with Yajie Liu, Ola Diserud og Kjetil Hindar). Fish and
Fisheries 14, 2013, 158-173 -The maximum economic yield
management of an age-structured salmon population. Chapter in S. E. Jørgensen and F. Jordan (eds): Models of the Ecological Hierarchy.
Elsevier, Amsterdam 2012 - Optimal harvest in an age
structured model with different fishing selectivity (together with Niels
Vestergaard and Martin Quaas). Environmental
and Resource Economics 51, 2012, 525-544 -A bieconomic model of trophy hunting (together with Eric Naevdal and Jon Olaf Olausssen).
Ecological Economics 73, 2012,
194-205 -A cost-benefit analysis
of moose harvesting in Scandinavia. A stage structured modelling approach (together
with Jon Olaf Olaussen). Resource and Energy Economics 33, 2011, 589-611 -Wild and farmed salmon
in Norway – a review (together with Yajie Liu and Jon Olaf Olaussen). Marine
Policy 35, 2011, 413-418 -Livestock as insurance and
social status: Evidence from reindeer herding in Norway (together with
Anne B. Johannesen). Environmental and
Resource Economics 48, 2011, 679-694 -A bioeconomic sheep-vegetation trade-off model: An
analysis of the Nordic sheep farming system (together with Gunnar
Austrheim and Atle Mysterud).
Natural Resource Modeling 23, 2010,
354-380 -Grouse hunting in Norway
(together with Petter Gudding, in Norwegian). Samfunnsøkonomen November 2010 -Growth and measurement uncertainty in an
unregulated fishery (together with Anne B. Johannesen). Natural Resource Modeling 22, 2009,
370-392 -Local common property with rewards
(together with Anne B. Johannesen). Land
Economics 85, 2009, 637-654 -The role of ecological and economical
factors in the management of a spatially structured moose Alces alces
population (together with Erlend B. Nilsen and others). Wildlife Biology 15, 2009, 10-23 --The bioeconomics
of the wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) recreational fishery (together with Jon
Olaf Olaussen). Marine
Resource Economics 23, 2008, 273-293 - On the economics of biological invasion. An
application to recreational fishing (together with Jon Olaf Olaussen). Natural
Resource Modeling 21, 2008, 625-653 -Development and environmental costs. Krutilla after 40 years (In Norwegian, together with
Petter Gudding). Samfunnsøkonomen 5, 2008 - A bioeconomic analysis of different management
regimes in recreational fisheries (together with Jon Olaf Olaussen). In Ø. Aas: Global
Challenges in Recreational Fisheries. Blackwell Publishing 2008 -Sheep
as capital and farmers as portfolio managers: A bioeconomic model of the
Scandinavian sheep farming Agricultural
Economics 38, 2008, 193-200 -Restoring a fish stock: A dynamic bankruptcy
problem (together with Elena Inarra). Land Economics 84, 2008, 327-339 -Modelling the re-colonisation of native
species. In A. Kontoleon, U. Pascal and T. Swanson:
Frontiers in Biodiversity Economics.
Cambridge University Press 2007 - Economic modelling approaches for wildlife
and species conservation. Ecological
Economics 62, 2007, 223-231 - The cost, or benefit, of animal
predation. An analysis of the recent wolf re-colonisation in Scandinavia.
Ecological Economics 58, 2006,
830-841 - Ecological-economic
modelling for biodiversity management: Potentials, pitfalls, and prospects
(together with F. Wätzold and others). Conservation Biology 20, 2006, 1034-1051 - The bioeconomics of
controlling an African rodent pest species (together with N.C. Stenseth, H. Leirs, H. Andreassen and L. Mulungu).
Environment and Development Economics
11, 2006, 453-475 -Marine reserves. A bio-economic model with asymmetric
density dependent migration (together with Claire Armstrong). Ecological Economics 57, 2006, 466-476 -Tourism, poaching and wildlife conservation:
What can integrated conservation and development projects accomplish?
(together with Anne B. Johanessen). Resource and Energy Economics 27, 2005, 208-226 -The costs and benefits of a migratory species
under different management schemes. Journal of Environmental Management
76, 2005, 167-175 - Conservation of wildlife. A bioeconomic model of a
wildlife reserve under the pressure of habitat destruction and harvesting
outside the reserve (together with Claire Armstrong). Natural Resource Modeling 18, 2005,
69-90 - Managing a migratory species that is both a value and pest (together with Jon Olaf Olaussen). Land Economics 81, 2005, 34-50 Newspaper articles: -Tvilsomme regnestykker NVE. Klassekampen 30.7.19 -Uviss klimaeffekt norsk vindkraft. Dagens Næringsliv 22.5.19 -Karbonfelle. Klassekampen mars 2019 -Høy profitt i en beskyttet næring. Adresseavisen Januar 2019 -En skadelig kraftpakke. Klassekampen Januar 2019 - Laks med bismak. Kronikk Dagens Næringsliv 19.12.17 -Statsstøttet privatbilisme. Elbil... Kronikk Klassekampen Sept. 2017 -Vekstens grenser. Klassekampen 2.3.17 -De rike forurenser mest. Kronikk Klassekampen 31.10.16 -Fosen vind takk og farvel. Kronikk Adresseavisen 21.9.2015 - Blåser i milliarder. Kronikk Dagens Næringsliv 3.3. 2015 -Naturressursenes rikdom. Nationen 7.2.2015 -Elbiler koster mye og smaker dårlig. Klassekampen 13.8.2014 -Misforstått klimakamp. Klassekampen 19.3.2014 -El-biler ingen klimaeffekt. Adresseavisen 25.2.2014 -Hvem taper, hvem vinner? (klima
og mat…). Kronikk Klassekampen 13.11.2013 -Rovdyr og sauer. Kronikk
Adresseavisen 9.9.2013 -En trist dag for Trøndelag. Adresseavisen 27.8.2013 -Laks med dårlig smak. Kronikk Adresseavisen 25.1.2013 -Vindkraftverk gir ingen klimaeffekter. Kronikk Adresseavisen 15.10.2012. -Svarte sertifikater. Kronikk Klassekampen 16.8.2012 -Oppdrsttslaks med bismak. Kronikk Aftenposten 14.8.2012. -Forbruksfesten. Kronikk Klassekampen 20.12.2011 -Liv og død. Tallenes tale, Kronikk Adresseavisen mai 2011 -Meningsløs klimapolitikk. Kronikk Klassekampen 16 desember 2010 |